Monday, April 19, 2010

A Person of Impact

Teachers are on the front lines of training their students. Besides the parents, teachers also have the greatest impact on a young person's life. It is vital to take that potential impact seriously and to strive to have the most positive impact possible on every student that you encounter.

My attitudes, actions, and interactions with others will not only set the tone for how I impact their lives for the future, but it also has an immediate impact upon how they will perceive and respect me. If I show myself to be someone who chooses their words carefully, treats everyone fairly, and interacts well with students and teachers alike, I am much more likely to have solid relationships with my own students. I can be a positive example of how they ought to interact with one another. They know that they can come to me with situations because I am going to treat it equally and fairly. I want to be able to teach my students not only the academic subjects necessary for life in the 'real world,' but to help mold the people skills and character that is equally necessary to succeed in life. People skills such as conflict resolution and wise speech can make all the difference, and character really counts. My students' academic performance will be very important to me, but of equal importance are these two things. To really be a teacher of impact, I will strive to incorporate these lessons into every day academic study.

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